Which Would You Rather Be?


Which would you rather be?

That's the Life!

When we retire, some of us become "older", while others become “old”. The mindset determining which a person will become has little to do with his/her birth date. Nor does it solely depend on whether one is able-bodied, or slightly less so. Some sexagenarians put some quadragenarians to shame.

The older person is still either/or physically and mentally active, and welcomes new opportunities to learn and discover; while the old one has let those opportunities slip away.

The older one is still engaged in the pursuit of what’s within reach in the present; while the old one only reminisces about past accomplishments.

The older person’s radar is focused on the possibilities of tomorrow; while that of the old one only revolves around the glories of yesterday.

The older one eagerly looks forward to the days ahead; while the old one waxes nostalgically about the remembered glories of a distant past.

The older person meets change as a challenge to grow and renew; while the old one sees it as a threat to his/her security.

The older one nurtures dreams of forthcoming adventures while sleeping; while the old one only revisits the losses of the past, the sadness of the present or the fear of the future..

Which one do you currently belong to? Which would you rather be? 


Monique Bondeux

March 2017