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Assemblee Nationale (the French House of Representatives)
Bagatelle Gardens (2)
Bagatelle Gardens (3)
Bagatelle Gardens (5)
Bagatelle Gardens (4)
Bagatelle Gardens (13)
Bagatelle Gardens (14)
Banks of the Seine River from a tour boat (1)
Banks of the Seine River from a tour boat (2)
Banks of the Seine River from a tour boat (3)
Banks of the Seine River from a tour boat (4)
Banks of the Seine River from a tour boat (5)
Fountain near the Pompidou Center

Carousel in front of City Hall
Church of St. Germain des Pres
Conciergerie, on the banks of the Seine river

Eiffel Tower at Xmas 2008, year of France's turn to the presidency of the Council of the European Union
Eiffel Tower (1)

Frozen fountain, Petit Luxembourg Garden, Paris, France
Eiffel Tower, with a replica of the Statue of Liberty in the foreground
Eiffel Tower with tour boats in the foreground

Eiffel Tower through foliage

Eiffel Tower at sunset from my sister's apartment

French Senate building in the Luxembourg Gardens

Frozen fountain and statue at the Petit Luxembourg Garden, Paris, France, in December 2008

Frozen statue in the Petit Luxembourg Garden

Louvre Museum and its Pyramid
Louvre Museum from the river

Louvre Museum from across the Tuileries

Louvre sample - Sarcophagus of a couple, Etruscan , ca 500 BC, painted on clay

Louvre sample - Venus de Milo, Aphrodite, Greek, ca 200 BC

Louvre sample - Winged victory at Samothrace, Greek, 190 BC

Louvre samples - Grand Sphinx de Tanis, 2600 BC, granite (1)
Montparnasse Tower at the end of Rue de Rennes
Musee d'Orsay (1)
Musee d'Orsay - The clock of the former train station

Musee d'Orsay (2)
Musee d'Orsay (3)
Notre-Dame - Rear view

Notre-Dame Cathedral fom the west bank

Notre-Dame Cathedral in the fall
Versailles Gardens (1)
Versailles Gardens (2)
Chateau de Versailles (1)
Versailles - The King's Apartment
Outside escalator in a glass tube at the Pompidou Center
View of the city from the outside escalator at the Pompidou Center
Versailles Gardens (3)
;Front of the Pompidou Center, with the outside escalator diagonally along the building
Versailles - Chapel of King Louis XIV
Versailles - Hall of Mirrors (1)

Traditional pastime in the Luxembourg Gardens
Versailles Hall of Mirrors (2)

Tuileries Arch, next to the Louvre Museum

Versailles - Lines waiting for tickets to get in ...
Versailles - Lines waiting to get in...
Versailles - Statue of Louis XIV, dressed as a Roman centurion
Versailles - King Louis XIV's bedroom
Versailles - The King's Council chamber
Versailles - Queen Marie Antoinette's bedroom
Versailles - The Queen's waiting room