Life's Pleasures

Yum! in Italian

Yum! in Italian

Most of us were blessed with five senses at birth. Lucky are those who still have all five to explore in adulthood the bounty of those life’s treasures which we too often take for granted: 

The violin solo whose poignant message drenches your heart and eyes with unknown silent tears;

The spiritual experience of complete silence on an island, as you lie waiting for sleep under the winks of the stars sprinkled in the night sky;

The enthusiastic morning chorus of songbirds, putting you on earnest notice that, yes, it’s another day starting, and isn’t it wonderful?

The haunting sound of a loon plaintively calling his mate home in the sunset stillness of the lake;

The magical rhythm of wavelets lapping at the lake’s edge, lulling you into an indulgent afternoon nap;

The soothing effect of stormy waves, whose thundering power speaks not of anger but of immortality as they crash on the sand. 


The painting whose skillful combination of colors and shapes touches you in ways you can’t and don’t care to explain;

The majestic spectacle of one of nature’s many great works of art, which evokes a long whispered sigh of grateful reverence that says it all;

The photograph whose masterful blend of light and lines and feelings brings a slow smile of contentment to your face, because it’s so… right;

The evening sun, dazzling in its burning glory as it descends once again below the horizon, to herald the end of its daily cycle;

The enraptured look on a child’s face upon hearing the end of a favorite story read for the 37th time;

The hypnotic power of the campfire, whose threatening flames take hostage your thoughts and emotions;

The nature-ordained color sequence of a rainbow born of a summer shower across water falls;

The visual symphony of myriad fiery hues on a Wisconsin road in the middle of October.


The Chrysler Imperial rose whose intoxicating scent is so intense that it can only be savored with closed eyes, through slow and deep intakes of breath;

The fragrance whose language still mysteriously rhymes with your own essence after all those years of dabbing it on here or there;

The pungent aroma of garlic that creates miracles when paired with just about anything;

The subtle lavender aroma escaping from the scent diffuser which turns a room into your sanctuary;

The tantalizing smells that fill your nostrils when you push open your Grandma’s front door, confirming that she has, once again, baked your favorite cookies.


The irrepressible laughter which explodes upward from the lowest part of your abdomen, splashing your brain with a fresh supply of oxygen to keep body and soul healthy;

The cooing gurgle of an infant whose warmth and trusting abandon melt your heart as you revel in the glory of nurturing; 

The casual touch of a lover, whose unique chemistry makes your body yearn for more;

The blissful shock of a cold shower after a strenuous and sweaty summer hike;

The sensuous caress of silk sheets, pajamas, shirt or blouse, on your bare skin, as you slither into bed or dress;

The foot or scalp massage that has the power to turn your tense muscles into floppy strands of spaghetti.


The heavenly nectar from the ripe peach bursting in your mouth, causing it to dribble down your chin because you smile with the delight of it;

The divine taste of chocolate that will make you forget all ills and all pains for as long as it takes your tongue to savor it before swallowing it away;

The panoply of ingredients begging to be identified by your tongue's taste buds as you first taste a new and unfamiliar ethnic dish;

The  tartness of the lemon slice that turns your mouth into a comical and wrinkly pucker;

The glorious gooeyness of your favorite comfort food at the end of a very bad day;

The familiar crispness of your preferred white wine as you sigh contentedly with your before-dinner drink in hand;

And, as intense as any of the above pleasures, albeit of less benefit to the soul, the exquisite relief from answering the call of nature not one second too soon.