Being a visual person, I have always seen my life and the world in colors and shapes. Half of this website is devoted to sharing with you our semi-annual adventures with the tales (Travelogues) I write after each one, accompanied by my own photographs. The other half caters to the frustrated columnist in me, enabling me to bore or delight everyone I do — or don't — know with my thoughts, experiences and unrequited opinions (Writing Out Loud). But as long as my writings give you food for thought, inspire your spirit, help you venture out of the box, make you laugh, or turn you into an armchair traveler, I'll have reached my goal.  

I am seeking neither fame nor fortune. I only care about the joy I get from sharing those expressions of my creativity with the world out there. When it happens, I feel that I have done what I was meant to do. And I am content.


(You can purchase a print of any of my photographs—prints only—just remember to write down the photo caption, and the title of the writing or the travelogue country, and then complete an order form on the Contact page.)